Heo Young Saeng - here's lookin' at you, girl !

Young Saeng thinking : Hmmm...there's a cute girl over there...
Kyu Jong thinking : The Otter's up to something ! What's he doing with that rolled up paper..

Kyu Jong : There he goes.....must be a girl...he's always talking about dating these days...
it's gonna be embarrassing.....Oww... I DONT want to see this !!
Young Saeng : Ok, I'll use this to see a clearer vision of that lovely girl...
Leader : uhhh...WUZZ UP with Otter ???

Kyu Jong : Whaddiditell you !! Embarrassing !! I'll just pretend to be occupied..
Leader : Aiigoo !...have to have a serious talk...hyung to hyung with Otter...
The Bear behind Otter says : Young Saeng's right ! The girl IS stunning^^
.... you should have done it like this, Otter :

Photo Credits as labeled and daum.net.


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