Setting it straight for Hyun Joong...

In the mood to be sarcastic . . . 
in the mood to ramble and rant . . . be warned !

These days reporters attract clicks on their posts by using any means, by being sympathetic to the cause [pro] or by being the opposite [contra]. . . or, pretending to be sympathetic. . .

Here're snippets from one of the article about HJ's case posted in one of  the K-ent news outlets [I think you'll know which it is when you look around, I don't want to post the link]. . . lets see . . .

In recent months, [a] the couple has been hounded with controversy as a series of text messages exposing their personal issues were revealed to the public. While [b] Kim Hyun Joong has confirmed the pregnancy and was engaged in [c] mapping a future of the child, the ex-girlfriend  . . . . .

Fact :

[a] Ms Choi herself revealed the text messages, exposing personal issues to the public via Dispatch. The phrase "the couple" is not correct, because she is an ex-girlfriend, they are not a couple anymore.

[b] Kim Hyun Joong has not confirmed anything, he hasn't been able confirmed the baby is his, Ms Choi did not show any proof. Paternity test have not been done.

[c] Map the future of a child if you don't know if it's yours ? How illogical !

Another one....

Ms. Choi has been the target of negative sentiment from Kim Hyun Joong fans [c] ever since she was thrust into the limelight over [d] his relationship with the popular actor-idol.
 Fact :

[c] She has thrust herself into the lime light and has been staying in the spot till now.
[d] Faulty pronoun, isn't it supposed to be her ?

There are sooo much moooree foolish things in other sites and news outlets, but I'm too irritated to continue looking for them. Have a headache and will go to bed . . . . 

I mean, how * * * * can you go ?!!


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