Of Butterflies and Moths...

For those of you who hate/are afraid of flying insects : butterflies, moths, bugs and the likes...maybe you'd better not view this post, stop here Ok.  [ i'm sure i'd scare off SS501's leader with this post ^^]....in our house, only Melchan will run away screaming when she spies a beautiful butterfly...she likes snakes though.....she even  wraps them around her shoulders.....kekeke..

Hmmm....looks like I'm flooding this blog with my photographs again...hope you don't get bored ^^ Wonder if any one has read my butterfly post HERE  in my forgotten blog ? Well, now I'd like to post more pictures. One day ago I saw the same kind of butterfly with the one in the post above, so I took some shots of it.. below..


The morning was sunny....I went to the garden and saw 3 butterflies, a brown one, a yellow one...and a white one. Only the brown one stayed still long enough for me to take it's picture...


 Oh, it's wings are a little frayed at the bottom...
it must have grazed something in flight,oooops...it flitted away...


..kay....I managed to follow it to a leaf....
"psst....stay still so I could get your pix..."


 tilted my camera....so the butterfly looks horizontal...
just experimenting ^^  Errr...anyone scared of big butterflies ? 
Get yourselves ready for the next pics^^ ....


Actually, it's not a butterfly but an Atlas Moth....beautiful, isn't it ? This morning, I was online when my mom called me from the garden, she found this large moth on one of her palms. Wow...could hardly believe my luck....I ran inside to get my camera....


Glad that it still had perfect wings...sometimes I find these moths 
on the ground....dead......wings all torn and broken...so sad..


Here's the moth from the bottom part...it's beautiful too, 
only not as bright and colorful as the top,


Look at the straight horizontal line the wings make......
a moth's wings are open when resting, so it looks horizontal.
But a butterfly's wings are closed when resting...looks vertical.


Specially took this shot so I could show you the moth's feathery antennas.
Different from the butterfly which has thin antennas with club/hook ends.  Awww...look how it's legs are holding on....it's soo cute !


That's my hand near the back, so you could see the size comparison.


Hehehe ... put a piece of paper at the back so I could get a clear pix.
My mom held it for me. But the moth apparently had had enough...
...it flew away to a citrus tree in our garden ^^


Hope you enjoyed today's biology lesson kekeke....^___^


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