More on Hyun Joong in Spain

Hyun Joong and managers otw to a soccer game...

Hmmm....Hyun Joong's fans in Barcelona and Madrid.. are having a field day of chasing Kim Hyun Joong on the streets, at hotels, at restaurants and supermarkets, at the soccer match and all places possible ! Really have to hand it to those dedicated fans....they could even spot Leader among thousands of people - approx. 80.000 people - watching the soccer match between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in Madrid [ waaay to go, Mariposa!] .

Can you see him?? No ?

Ok, lets get closer...

See him, right ??!

Yup...Yup...that's him !!

Hyun Joong on photo-shoot back in Barcelona :

Back views are handsome also ^^

If any of you would like to follow news of HJL in Spain straight from fans in Spain click here and here to read in the original language^^ It might also interest you to open this blog here ...and laugh along with the blog owner on her fan account chasing SS501 all over the place^^ Or you could always go to Liezle's blog or ODE to get updates right ? If you are a Leader fan you could always join us here, right ?! Happy browsing ....


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