A few F4 and SS501 related videos

Right now I'm feeling sorry for my followers and the visitors of my blog. I guess by now you know that I am an accidental blogger...meaning , I don't blog about the same things regularly and never have a schedule of things to blog. Yep ! I blog about what ever and when ever I accidentally want to. Great advancement might be happening in BYJ, SS501 or F4's world...and I could still be really engrossed in some other unrelated subject...blissfully ignorant of it all...or curiously , totally uninterested in posting those developments....[read: lazy]. Now, it's very hard to change myself...so I'm not even going to try...you'll just have to take me as I am..hehehe...

But I do want to post these in my blog, cos they are funny and refreshing. I daresay you've all watched it already ^^ Enjoy them again, Ok ! :

The first video is the Anycall Magic Hole CF, and below that is the Anycall Haptic Pop CF. At the bottom there's a video of SS501 that maybe you'll be interested in watching.

Video from YT by shirbogurl21, thanks sooo much ^^

Video from YT by shirbogurl21, thanks you're an angel^^

And if you want to see the SS501 Solo Collection MV Making, you could click here...it's in YT by SSlovechau.

Photo credit as labeled and SS601.com/love34.


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