Captured Reflections

I'm posting reflections and shadows, some made into BW,
some warmified after being BW...or what ever the terminology is...
and some just as they were taken alias original.
Ok, I hope you enjoy. PS. I'm glad I'm back online...sigh...

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Anonymous said…
Hii....I'm also glad that you're back on understand what I mean kan?......Love your pics esp the last one.....very creative....I have big talent in photograph
myoce said…
Thanks Cyang...I'm also very glad to be online again !! I think I'm a bit addicted !! Ha ha...

I still have s'more pics...wait till I sort them out. I take pics everywhere...the reflections on the table was at the bank,I was waiting my turn...

See you later.

Kapan main2 ke Bogor ?? He he..

Love, myoce
Anonymous said…
Sorry....I mean you have big talent in photograph.....and I have big talent to give comment.....heheheh
Anonymous said…
wah serus nih undang aq ke bogor.....iya nanti kalau ke bogor mudah2an bisa main.....see you

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